Saturday, December 29, 2012

Kids Sweaters

There are so many lovely children's patterns to keep them
nice and warm, and so pretty!
Find us on Facebook for more pictures, show us what you are working on
and find links to some free patterns!

This is a nice hooded sweater, size 4-5 yr.

Friday, December 14, 2012


The gorgeous Stapi pattern looks great on guys of any age!
 Cables in the front, on back and
sleeves break it out of the tradition a bit and make it even nicer.
I need to find some models, seeing it on a hanger really
doesn't do it justice!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Craft Fair.
I actually sold the shirt off my back at the craft fair yesterday.
It was bittersweet since it was my favorite and I thought I might keep for myself, but guess what, I can make more!! :) Hope the new owner loves it!

Check us out on Facebook for more pictures and orders!

Friday, November 30, 2012


Here is a sweater I started weeks ago, then put in my closet because I got very busy,
I dug it out last week, finished and here it is!

Yes I  do plan on taking better pictures of it, I was just too excited
and had to show off :D

This pattern is gorgeous, it's made to be a dress but I decided
to see if it would make a nice cardigan, and it does!
Find us on Facebook, Buttercup Handcrafts!
Patterns, info and where to buy!

Friday, November 16, 2012

The horror story!

Finally finished the two sweaters I've been working on for waaaay too long. I made Árni, followed the pattern in the book, washed it, dried it and then noticed... it was about 3 sizes larger than it should be!! So I started over, making a smaller size. So yesterday I was looking the sweaters over one last time before putting in the zippers and sending them out and I see, a small hole on the bottom of Aftur... My little one had snipped a few rows at the bottom with scissors... Arrrgh! What can you do though, so I held back the tears and started thinking, I figured I could undo the few rows, pick up the stitches and fix the bottom. 

                                                          My master plan worked!
And here they are all done :)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

More than sweaters

Here you can see this wonderful sweater, buttoned with Nordic style, metal buttons
and neck warmers using the same pattern.
These neck warmers come in very handy on these windy winter days, just put them on under your jacket or coat! Not so terribly bulky like scarfs can be.
 Look up Buttercup Handcrafts on Facebook for more info and patterns!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Good Tuesday Morning!

Today I am working on a wool sweater I have just finished.... wait, what?
Yes, I just finished a sweater pattern named Árni, and made it according to the instructions, washed it and dried, and then found out... it was about two sizes larger than intended!!
Not sure how that happened at all, used the right weight yarn, right size needles and made by the same knitter, so there really shouldn't be any reason for this. then when I started looking at the pattern more closely I noticed that when you flip the page, the size has changed!
Oh well right, long story short, I have started over ;) 

Monday, November 5, 2012


This pattern named Again is a finer, more modern
take on these classic sweaters.

With a nice color combination you can completely
 transform a sweater and make it your own style. 

Both of these sweaters are blue ribbon winners. 

Find the pattern here.

If you run into problems or need help on any project, knitting or crocheting feel free to
find us on Facebook and send a message, I will do what I can to help you out!
Buttercup Handcrafts

And for the non-knitter this pullover is available to order! 

Some of what I do


This lovely vest is called Tides.
It's very feminine and looks nice with
jeans, slacks or skirts!

I'm a blogger now!

Alright so here I am... finally. My first blog and it's going to be about.... Knitting!! I hope everyone is as excited as I am ;)

I will post photos of my handy work and keep track of my mishaps as well as the success stories.

Hope I get the hang of this!